Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Forget the Rubiks Cube... I'm in a mirror maze

This was a tough weekend on me. So I "thought" I knew what I was going to do. I made a decision a couple weeks ago that I was going to stay in Myrtle Beach. I do love the warm weather and having the keys to my new place directly on the beach would've been nice. So last Wendesday, I began my journey back to Mass to pick up my furniture from Storage. We began the drive on Wednesday and arrived early Thursday morning. We slept for a few hours, met up with my cousins to have mongolian hot pot in quincy, my brother had just landed from France and joined us... After dinner, we headed off to Super 88 and got Yo Berry and Boba tea. After that, we went to the airport to pick up my other cousin who had just flown in from the Bahamas. It was a lot of fun. We went to Caffe Victoria's in the North End, got cappucchino and cannoli's and then headed back to the hotel for some rest.

The next morning, I woke up and realized I had made the wrong decision.  I couldn't do it.  I didn't feel right moving my stuff down to South Carolina.  I met up with my Cousin at Dunkin Donuts and sat there for 3 hours freaking out.  I decided to stay.  What the hell is going on with me....  I felt awful, for getting everyone together to help me load up the truck.  Well.. that truck made it back to South Carolina empty.  I spoke with my Boss and gave my notice, He wouldn't let me leave and offered to let me work from home in Mass and try to grow in the New England Area.  I had a better shot of saving my condo at this point if I was the primary resident so I'm hoping that'll work.  Our base salary's have been cut since January and it's becoming impossible to live on just commissions.  I still had to cover the mortgage in Mass plus I'm stuck in my lease here until September.  

For now... I don't know what the hell is going on... but my gut is yelling gibberish to me.  But looks like I'm back in mass for a while...