Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Down to the wire

So it's now the last week of August 2008 and I'm supposed to be at least in the process of moving and I'm not. Close.... but no spaghetti. The good news is that my new tenant has moved in as of August 23, the first month is free so I'll start seeing the rent checks in October 1. Even if I fall a little behind this month and next due to the lack of commissions - I guess I will be ok, at least I'll somewhat break even.

Now I'm only down to 2 things - maintain my savings account and add to it when I can and continue looking for employment down south. I have decided that taken a substantial paycheck would be a stupid move. I've budgeted everything down to the wire and know exactly my minimum base salary must be and then commissions will come with hard work. That is awesome that I definitely know but not so awesome that it narrowed my search of available jobs down to a handful.

I'm still unwilling to settle in a different location like Atlanta or Charlotte as some have suggested. Not to be stubborn, but the whole point of this move is to get away from the major cities... Charlotte and Atlanta are both great cities, but it would probably mean that if I do get there, I'll probably just eventually move again to get to where I want to be. At this point - it's really not worth it. So I'm sticking with my plan - it's what I want and I'm not deviating from it.

So not much of an update other than having my place officially rented out. One step at a time.

1 comment:

truparad0x said...

Keep on trucking along